Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why Chinese is Better than English:

For the last six years of being in school I have been attempting to learn how to speak Chinese. The longer I have studied the language the more I realize how much English sucks. For starters there are no tenses in Chinese, just particles indicating something has already been done. This enables the native speakers to think of life as more of a complete whole rather than a timeline. English speakers view life as a timeline and only identify to ther present selves, treating their future and past selves as seperate identities. The timeline way of thinking results in poor decision making and more frequent splurging. The Chinese language also (mostly) has no conjugation, that is... To say the same thing in multiple ways (typically due to the change in tenses). While 平常 means usually 常常 means often. The two mean very similar things but are still treated as different words. Many studies also show that the way most Asian languages are processed aligns with mathematics... Which can explain why Asian countries consistently perform so well on international testing compared to (most) English speaking countries. I often find myself thinking in Chinese whenever I am counting certain things. I'm pretty convinced the reason for this is because all the numbers in Chinese are one syllable (yi, er, san, etc.). But who knows? Perhaps I just approach counting with a strange twist... Regardless, if I had been born a native Chinese speaker my life would be infinitely better.

(My internet is down right now so I am forced to use this sub-par application on my phone. I apologize for any terrible typos and/or poor formatting.)


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