Hello audience, or lack of... This is a blog that has been created for the purposes of recreation and to help in organizing my personal thoughts in a simplified form. I have had the intentions to make a blog for a while now but have been too busy (and honestly lazy) to bring it to life. It's title is "Limitless Creations" due to the fact that I struggled to think of a title and the material that will be posted will convey an enormous variety of humor, emotion, and reason. The URL begins with "usedtobesadeeiq" simply because my (last) name used to be Sadeeiq. I have not been connected to that name for nearly 15 years and still suffer from the endless terrorist jokes (most likely because my first name stayed the same). LC (I shall refer to the blog as LC from now on because I don't want to waste my precious effort into typing out "Limitless Creations") has been birthed for:
-Using as a form of creativity I require hours for in the school program I'm in. This program is known as IB (International Baccalaureate) and is targeted towards gifted students... but really it's for pompous assholes who obtain a narcissistic attitude by being in it. The program demands that over the course of junior and senior year each student performs 150 hours of something called CAS (Creativity, Action, Service); 50 hours for each letter. Creativity can consist of art, yoga, baking, blogging, and other various "fun" hobbies. Action can include anything such as a sport, or club that is (from my understanding) physically demanding... I have over 500 hours of action stocked up from swim team and water polo (both will likely be very common topics in the upcoming weeks). Service is anything that people are forced to do instead of going to prison, such as picking up trash in a shitty park. I partake in a lot of cancer fundraisers simply because my mom works for a hospital and volunteers me for every single one of these events prior to telling me about them.
-Providing something useful for me to do other than playing video games and watching Netflix. Now, I would like to think that I am smart with my time but each time I log onto steam I see the amount of hours I have invested into a game called Dota 2. To save myself the embarrassment I'm not going to state how many hours it is but let it be known that those figures on the screen, even if displayed for just a few seconds, burn through me like the ever watching eye of Sauron. In school I am assigned to write essays all the time and after every essay I have put my soul into I get back a mediocre score. Nothing is more frustrating to me than not being able to write a single good paper in high school, I have never experienced the satisfaction of earning 100% on a written assignment that wasn't a participation grade. So obviously I am hopeful that LC will help me achieve a single 100% on a written assignment before I graduate (which brings us on to the final reason).
-Helping me introduce myself to people in the next year, within the next several months I will be spreading my wings and venturing off to college. I tend to be one of those people who will say a bunch of really irrelevant or unimportant garbage when I first meet people. LC will be a little over half a year old when I first arrive to school and will hopefully convey a little more information that matters than I will the first 5 times I see someone. This is very optimistic though, I'm not sure who would waste their time reading that much on a blog, they will probably skim over the most recent post which will likely be something along the lines of "How many times you can drink your pee before it has no nutritional value, and why?".
Well post number one down... it wasn't so bad.
Well man I enjoyed reading this, but aren't you forgetting that you won scholarships due to an obviously well earned and well written essay. Don't belittle yourself my friend, your one of the smartest people I know.