I play an online nation simulator game called Politics and War, and I help run a forum for the alliance I lead. Someone got really upset with me and my allies so they decided to hack into the forum and try to take control of our emails, eventually my friends and I abandoned our old emails and made new ones. Due to the old email being nuked, all the files under that author for the blog disappeared and I only salvaged what I could by signing this new email over as another author.
Day 1: What is something you have given away or lost that can never be replaced?
This is a very tricky and touchy question for me, if it is talking about a physical possession then it's not as fun or emotional of a story - oh well. We will start with the boring story first and build up because that's what seems better. In terms of a possession I lost my first pet that I was supposed to be held responsible for, it was a baby corn snake. To this day I will still pin the blame on my brother because he didn't put the weight keeping the lid down back on it, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I had been losing interest in the pet; I have a habit of jumping from hobby to hobby very quickly, it is not common for me to stay with something for over a year.
Something I have lost in any other meaning of "something" is a hard question to identify an answer for. I would like to say my childhood, but to many I am still a child. My life has just been drastically different lately because of me leaving the nest and going out on my own. Honestly that is not a valid answer because everyone will have to go through that rite of passage. The honest answer is a best friend, growing up I had two (I'm mostly talking about middle school/high school years). Their names were Trevor and Kody, and it's not to say that I don't have friends where I am now; but I fear that I will not form the same sort of relationship with anyone else - at least not anyone I've met so far. The simple solution is "oh just go chill with them again" but it's not quite that simple. They both have moved on to start their own lives and the way things are now don't allow for me to be around them to talk to them in the same manner as before. To any friends reading this: I still appreciate all of you, please don't interpret this the wrong way. I am not trying to imply that I don't have any friends, but I don't have any friends with bonds nearly as strong as the one's I had formed with Trevor and Kody.
Alright well that's one down and.... 79 to go! Cheers!